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How To Install An Outdoor Faucet

August 17, 2015 by

When installing an outdoor water faucet, there are a couple things to consider: the exact location of your outdoor water faucet, and the type of faucet you would like to install. The latter is especially important if you live in an area that is prone to severe cold weather.

Installing An Outdoor Faucet

If this is the case, then you should ensure that the faucet is of a suitable type, such as a frost free silcock. Copper is also fine to use, but if it is attached to concrete, place a cushion under it so as to prevent any chemical reactions between the concrete and the copper. If you are running the pipe underground, ensure that it is buried below the frost line. The faucet should be tilted towards the evacuation point.

When considering the location of your faucet, it is important to determine where your biggest water needs are. It may be for a garden, a yard, or a garage. You also need to be aware of where the water pipes are in your home, as the outdoor faucet you install is connected to the pipes inside. Before installing, turn off the main water valve to the house and turn on the faucets that are in the area where you wish to install your pipe. Ensure that all the water from these faucets are thoroughly drained.


Once you have located where your faucet will be, drill a hole in the wall and put silicone caulk around a new hole. Put the new faucet in place and make sure it is set firmly. Cut the water pipes you want to connect to the outdoor faucet and insert a T-fitting. A T-fitting should have a side branch and a main branch. Connect the faucet to the side branch. Then connect the remaining side to the water pipe that runs from inside the house. Make sure to add clamps to all sides of the T-fitting.

After Installation

Make a test run by turning the water back on. Ensure that the water flows properly out of the outdoor faucet. Check for any leaks that are in the house. If you find leakage, then apply plumbing compound or tape to the affected areas. You can also apply foam sealant at the hole where the outdoor faucet is located. Turn the water back on and check for any further leakage. If there is, then apply more tape or compound.

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