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What To Check Before Buying Energy Efficient Appliances

June 22, 2015 by

Are you in the market for new appliances? Why not get energy efficient models to make your home a greener place? Energy efficient appliances are good for your home and good for the environment. They cause less pollution in your home and outside of it.

Energy Efficient Appliances

Before you run out to the store to select your new toilet, washer, dryer and dishwasher there are a few things you should know.

Labels matter:

Energy Star® is kind of a big deal. This company is the leader in energy efficiency when it comes to just about everything. Their products meet strict technical specifications imposed by the Government of Canada and their symbol is easily identifiable. Some provinces offer rebates if you purchase Energy Star® appliances as part of a green initiative to encourage those who are weary about buying eco-friendly products to purchase energy efficient ones.

Check the list:

Natural Resources Canada offers a comprehensive list of all products that are Energy Star® certified. This list is constantly updated when new products hit the market is will offer insight into the products themselves and tell you where to buy the merchandise. You can check out the list here!

Measure your space:

The existing appliances you have may be too big. Measure the space where your new appliances will go and try and opt for smaller models. Oftentimes, energy efficient appliances are made smaller and perform even better than models that are not environmentally conscious.

When it comes to appliances, bigger is not always better. Unless you are purchasing an Energy Star® fridge for your restaurant in which case, they do offer larger versions to accommodate big spaces and store more food.

Don’t scoff at the original price:

Energy efficient appliances are generally more expensive than traditional models. However, the money you’ll save in the long run is well worth the price of the appliance.

Generally, appliances last between 10 and 20 years, which adds up to big savings on your monthly utility bills. Depending on how much you use your appliance, it may end up paying for itself quickly leaving you with a lower carbon footprint. Because today’s models must meet at least the minimum energy efficiency standards set by the federal government, they can’t be energy hogs, even if they wanted to. Plus, if your province offers a rebate for buying green appliances you won’t be paying sticker price for it in the long run anyway!

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